Thursday, 31 January 2013

Bang with Facebook friends! A new app let user to advance their physical relation with FB friends.?

In a recent post on, it has written story about a new Facebook app “ Bang with Friends” the developers of this app have claimed that this app will facilitate sexual encounter with users and their FB friends without the embarrassment of rejection. The full story of that Hindustan time post is as under:

“A controversial new sex app called "Bang With Friends" claims to facilitate sexual encounters with users and their Facebook friends without the embarrassment of rejection.

"Anonymously find friends who are down for the night," the company website said. "Your friends will  never know you're interested unless they are too!"

The Bang With Friends app, aimed at 20-somethings, was created by three "college-aged" men from California, who are withholding their identities, according to US media reports.
The app only alerts users of a potential hookup if both parties express interest by selecting what is called the "Down to Bang" button.
The creators of the app said it has already gained more than 30,000 users, registering five new users every minute according to a report on the online tech site Mashable.
Critics of "Bang With Friends" told RIA Novosti, putting the physical first is the reason for the demise of the majority of marriages and relationships in the US.
"Back in the days people would court, they would go out with different people without exploring the sexual relationship because it allowed you to get to know what you may or may not have in common," said Kristen Crockett, a Washington-based relationship coach.
And while some who use the app may be more interested in sex than building a relationship, Crockett cautions users with the potential drawbacks of getting physical with a Facebook friend.
"Once you start sleeping with someone, your red flags, your fears, all of those things get pushed into the back of your mind," she said.
She added that often people ignore signals and signs because of how the person makes them feel physically.
One of the app's creators told The Daily Beast that the group came up with the idea as a way to improve traditional online dating sites like
"It would be great, as guys, if you could find out which girls are actually into you and not dance around anything," he said. Skip the dating and jump straight to the sex, one of the creators said.
Crockett, who has authored several book on creating lasting relationships, met her current boyfriend of three years on said the couple spent several weeks emailing and talking on the phone before they met in person.
Crockett said she is a firm believer in using technology to cultivate a relationship, but this app goes about it the wrong way."I think the app contributes to people going into a relationship and actually dating backwards," Crocket said.
"It's the exception more than the rule that a relationship will last if it has begun with a physical encounter rather than emotional spark," she added.Currently the app only matches users of the opposite sex.
"Support for same-sex selections is already under development," the app's creators told Mashable. “
Oh Now we are waiting when such app which serve food to poor will be developed, let’s hope that will also happen.

this story has been taken from

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

How to be sure we get out daily requirements of nutrient?

The great nutritional challenge of our times is this: how to sure we get our daily requirements of the various nutrients while keeping calories, fats, sodium and sugar at a low level to avoid the problems of overweight and chronic illness such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.
The answer is, through the careful selection of foods. For instance, dairy foods are the best sources of calcium, but whole milk and its products are also high in fat calories. Choose skim milk: 1 cup of skim milk has about the same amount of calcium as 1 cup of whole milk, but only traces of fat and half the number of calories.

Also, make every calories count. That is, know which foods give you a high amount of nutrients for the calories they bring in. These are the so called “nutrient-dense” foods. For instance, a serving of potatoes mashed with butter and milk will give you 7 mg. of vitamin C, but it will “cost” you 104 calories, and many of those from fats. Once medium sized guava, on the other hand, will give 212 mg of vitamin C, and at the cost of only 50 calories, barely a trace of these from fats. The better choice is obvious.
By this yardstick, you should also keep a tight leash on certain foods which bring in loads of calories but few or no nutrients: fatty spreads and dressings, sugar and sugary foods such as candy, jam jellies, soft drinks, honey and alcoholic beverages. Also most fast foods- a typical pig out(a double burger with fries and a cola) could virtually give you your total calories for the entire day and barely a look-in’s worth of minerals and vitamins.
How much of vegetables and fruits, rice and dal(pulses), meat or fish or beans should you include in your daily menu to make sure you get a mix of foods that would delight a nutritionist’s heart? There is no one ‘ideal” diet for everyone. People’s food needs differ depending on their body type, age, sex, level of activity and other conditions, ranging from illness to menopause.
Yet, for all healthy adults, some basic guidelines can be laid down, based on the information we have. In India there are no official recommendations. But the U.S department of Agriculture has issued a food guide to serve as an easy reminder of what foods and how much of these foods you need to get on to your daily platter. Because of its graphic representation, it was called “U.S.D.A.’s Eating Right Pyramid”

But this pyramid may not be so straightforwardly applicable in India, says nutritionist India Nutritionist, because cereal being a staple here, over average consumption is already much higher than the 40% recommended in the pyramid.
Again, the ‘meat’ group here would have to focus more on lentils (dals) than on meat and fish, the majority of Indian being vegetarian.
The USDA also defined portion size that is what constitutes’ one serving’, for instance, in the cereal group, one serving would one slice of bread or half a cup of cooked pasta or half a cup of cooked cereal, or 30 gm of ready-to-eat cereal And so on through the five groups.
However, at the practical level, the visual more workable is the ‘Plate; model. The bulk of this platter of foods is made up of cereal (more than half the platter- that is about 55 to 60% of it), fruits and vegetables take up the next highest segment of the circle or plate( about 30$ of it): Pulses(and/ or fish, meat egg, nuts) make up 10% and dairy products about 5%. The fat comes in along with the above foods (in cooked and uncooked items): the advice is to consume it very sparingly.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Water and its health value!

Water: Depending on the soil from which it is sourced, water can contain trace amount of mineral such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. That hardly qualifies it to be called a nutrient. But apart from the fact that it is a survival staple (you couldn't live three days without water), water has specific nutritional roles to play. The digestive juices mainly comprise water. Because of the fine balance that the body maintains between sodium and water. If you don’t drink enough fluids the concentration of salt in your blood will increase and you’ll start feel lethargic. And without adequate water intake, your kidneys will not able to dilute urine sufficiently and your body will retain the waste products of metabolism
                For all these reasons (several more), water is the best health tonic you could take! Apart from water itself, you’ll also get liquid replenishment from:
·         Beverages, such as milk soup, fruit juices and herbal teas(Not caffeinated, tea or colas, however: these are diuretics, that is, they draw water out of body)
·         Foods especially those with high water content such as cucumbers, watermelons and cook rice. (except for oils virtually all foods contains water in smaller or bigger amounts)
The recommendation daily amount of fluids ranges between 8 to 10 glasses in a tropical country likes India. Your need is likely to be on higher side if you exercise, work in hot environment, have tendency to perspire profusely, or suffer from constipation. One strategy that may prove helpful in meeting your daily need: Keep 8 to 10 one rupee coin in your pocket of jeans, jacket, shirt or kurta and every time you drink one glass’ worth of fluid, transfer one coin to other pocket.
How do you know whether you’re getting sufficient water? One way to tell is to check the color of your urine. If your urine is pale yellow, you are doing fine; dark yellow means you’re getting less than you need( The exception: it’s perfectly normal for urine to be dark-colored in morning. And of course, some drugs like supplements of vitamins B complex turn urine bright yellow).

Friday, 25 January 2013

Fibre- it isn't a vitamin. It isn't a mineral, but you need them too.

Fibre: it isn't a vitamin. It isn't a mineral. Since, it cannot be digested. Your body cannot even use it as a nutrient. But fibre (sometimes called roughage) is essential for the healthy functioning of your body.
                It is the part of plant foods that human can’t digest. For decades, its only known role was that it passed through the intestines, forming bulk for the stool.
                Today, we know that there are two types of fibre and each has different health benefits, you need both kinds.

Insoluble Fibre Which we've long been acquainted with the “rough stuff” that promotes regular bowel movements preventing constipation and therefore hemorrhoid (piles). As it passes through the gut it draws in water like sponge, which helps to keep the stool soft. By relieving constipation, insoluble fibre also has a beneficial effect on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
                There is a solid body of research that also suggests that diet high in insoluble fibre (and lows in fat) is likely to reduce your risk of certain cancers ( in particular, cancers of the colon and rectum). So called because it’s insoluble in water, this fibre is most abundantly found in whole grains and whole grain products such as wholewheat breads, corn on the cob, breakfast cereals, oatmeal porridge, wild rice, bran, fruits and vegetables eaten whole (with skins and stalks, where possible), dry beans and peas, and lentils (dals)
Soluble Fibre : Soluble in water, this fibre has a different set of possible benefits. Research suggests it may help protect against certain intestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and diverticulitis, and possibly some cancers (notably colon cancer) and chronic disease (in particular heart disease and diabetes).
                Oat bran got its sexy health food image when it was found to lower blood cholesterol levels. But there are other sources of soluble fibre that are equally beneficial rice bran, oatmeal, lentils, dry beans and peas, fruits and vegetables.
Foods that bring in not only fibre but lots of other nutrients too
Qty of fibre
Bread 4 slices
Wholemeals bread
White bread

11 grams
3 grams
Break Fast cereals(1 serving)
Unsugared mouesli

4 grams
3 grams
3 grams
Vegetable and beans(1 serving)
Red kidney beans
Baked beans
Sweet corn

10 grams
7 grams
6 grams
5 grams
5 grams
5 grams
4 grams
3 grams
3 grams
2 grams
Fruits and snacks
2 dried apricot
1 banana
Unsalted peanuts(30g)
1 apple

7 grams
3 grams
2 grams
2 grams
2 grams
Potatoes (1 serving)
Baked in jacket
Boiled with skin on
Boiled without skin

3 grams
3 grams
1 grams
Rice(1 serving)

3 grams
2 grams
                How much fibre do you need? About 30 grams daily has been suggested. Because plant foods differ in the kinds and amount of fiber they bring in, try to get in those 30 grams from different plant foods. It’s easy to make up your daily fibre quota if you eat:
·         Three servings of vegetables a day, and
·         Two servings of fruit a day,
·         Two servings of pulses a day, and
·         One serving of wholegrain products a day
It’s best to get in those amounts on a daily basis, rather than having too much fibre on one day, and virtually none for the next three days.
If your diet has so far been poor in fibre , add it in gradually; or you’ll risk ending up with gas or abdominal cramps.
And don’t forget to drink enough water or other fluids: fiber cannot get down to working at its best without that liquid accompaniment.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Fat and Cholesterol; what is the difference?

A common fallacy is that fat and cholesterol are one and the same substance. Even among many of those who know that they are not, there persists the assumption that foods that are high in fat are also high in cholesterol, and vice verse. Though this correlation is generally true, it is not always so.

        Cholesterol is not fat, but a fat like substance found in cell membranes and nerve fibers of animals. Thus, lean tissue in meat contains as much cholesterol as the fatty portion; the difference is only in their fat content.
        Some animal foods are high in cholesterol but have only moderate amount of fat i.e. organs meats like liver, heart, kidney and brain.
        On other hand plant foods are zero cholesterol, but some them are entirely or largely fat i.e. vegetable oils and peanuts. A food that advertises itself as “Zero cholesterol”( as many of our vegetable oils do) can still be high in fat.
        Apart from the cholesterol in your diet, your body makes its own.
        The reason saturated fat and cholesterol often seem to go together is that saturated fats in food stimulate your body to produce more cholesterol. In fact, as we said earlier post, saturated fats raise blood cholesterol levels more than dietary cholesterol does.
        Though dietary cholesterol was big bogey until a few years ago, we know today that it is not the primary determinant of blood cholesterol levels. Your body weight, a sedentary lifestyle. Smoking, hypertension and your intake of fat have a much great effect.

Friday, 18 January 2013

How much Fat is too much? 20 grams or 30 grams

Though, in my previous post you already known that saturated fats are the kind chiefly implicated in heart disease, it is important to remember that an excess of fat- of any kind is one of the biggest problems in our diet today. Certain cancers, in particular breast and colon cancer, are thought to be linked to high fat intake. And, of course, an over consumption of fat cause obesity which itself increase your risk for high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and other ills.

                Most of us eat too much fat. What‘s a healthy limits? For adults not at risk for any chronic disease, such as heart disease or diabetes, nutritionists peg the upper fat limit at 30% of daily calories. For those already afflicted, or at risk for one of these illnesses, the limit is lower 25 or even 20% of total daily calories.
                Remember that 1 gram of fat, whether saturated or unsaturated brings in 9 calories. So if, say, a piece of chocolate brings in 10 grams of fat, that’s 90 calories. If you’re  keeping to the 30% upper limits for fat , in a 2000 calories diet not more than 600 calories should come in form of fat.
                In brief, here’s your action plan for controlling your fat intake:
  •          Know how much fat is in the food you eat.
  •          Know the types of fat in the food you eat.
  •      Decrease the overall amount of fat in your diet, but saturated fat in particular

Thursday, 17 January 2013

What is the trouble with fats-Know it?Fats absorbing Food

Fat has been flogged—and continue to be flogged—as dietary enemy No-1. The world wide paranoia has fueled a growth industry whose exertions sometimes border on the schizophrenic – fat free ice cream, egg-less mayonnaise.

Trapped in this mind set, it’s easy for us to forget that fat is an essential component in a healthy diet. What’s more, it’s found whether in big or small or trace amounts in virtually every natural food on earth, so that it would be well nigh impossible for anyone to sit down and compose a truly fat free diet.
Among the different function that fat performs in the body
·         Fat is the most concentrated source of energy (calories). One gram of fat delivers 9 calories.
·         Fat is necessary for your body to be able to absorb the fat soluble vitamins( A,D, E and K)
·         Fat provides the essential fatty acids that we all need in small amounts.
·         Finally, as everybody know, fat is what makes food taste good. It also brings aroma and texture.
Fat becomes troublesome only when we over indulge our Fat tooth, even more so when we over indulge in the so called “Bad Fats”- Saturated Fats- which are the ones that clog our arteries and put us at risk for heart disease. Here’s what you need to know about the various types of fat and how and why you must control your intake of them:
·         Saturated Fatsare those that are solid at room temperature i.e. the main fats of meats, whole milk and dairy products and some vegetable oil such as coconut, palm and palm kernel oils. They are saturated with hydrogen- that is, they have a hydrogen atom at every binding site.
·         Monounsaturated fats are those that have a single pair of hydrogen atoms missing- for instance the main fats in groundnut, olive and canola oils.
·         Polyunsaturated fats have two or more pairs of hydrogen atoms missing for instance, the main fats in corn, sunflower, safflower and soyabean oils as well as in fish oils.
All fats are mixture of all three kinds of fatty acids- it’s just that one type predominates more than the others. Thus groundnut oil may be called monounsaturated oil, but it does not contain both saturated and polyunsaturated fat, too
What chiefly need to know about the difference between these fats is that saturated fats increase your risk of heart disease where as unsaturated fats(in controlled amounts) do not and in fact, have protective effect. Saturated fats raise your blood level of cholesterol which collects on artery walls, eventually constricting blood flow, especially to heart.
A fats that’ often lost sight of: the saturated fats in our foods have a greater adverse effect on blood cholesterol than does the cholesterol in our foods. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Calories are not a problem, unless….

High calories food
Calories don’t become a problem until you’re taking in more calories than your body uses for its energy, repair and growth needs.
If the calories you expend in metabolism are less than the calories you consume, the excess calories are store as body fat. If your calorie intake exceeds your calorie need by even 1% over a period of a year you’ll put on 1 extra kilo of body fat.
Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem, it also put you at higher risk of all kinds of other health problem; from heart disease to diabetes, from high blood pressure to certain cancers.
The key to avoiding this, keep your daily calories within the limits that will meet your needs, and no more. And how much would that be? No standard answer can be given for everyone, because it depends on your age, sex, height and overall body type, the rate at which your body burns calories (i.e. your metabolic rate), your level of activity. Whether you’re already suffering from a chronic illness, are pregnant or on other special health situations. As an overall guide, the following ranges have been suggested for healthy Indians by an expert group IMCR 2009

Category Body



Sedentary work

Moderate work

Heavy work  
Sedentary work

Moderate work

Heavy work  

Pregnant woman
55 + GWG**

+ 350


55 + WG***



0-6 m
7-9 y

*               Rounded off to the nearest 10 kcal/d
**            GWG – Gestational Weight Gain. Energy need in pregnancy should be adjusted for actual
                 bodyweight, observed weight  gain  and activity pattern for the population.
***           WG – Gestational Weight gain remaining after delivery
****        Energy needs of children and adolescents have been computed for reference
children and adolescents; these reference children were assumed to have a
moderate daily physical activity level.  The actual requirement in specific
population groups should be adjusted for the actual weight and physical activity
of that population (see Table 4.7e), especially when computing the gap
between energy requirement and actual intake that needs to be filled by
supplementation programmes.

Interestingly , however, these daily allowances are across  the board higher than those currently suggested by the official US Guidelines. As comparative instances, the American allowance for a sedentary woman is 1600 daily calories for most moderately active and many sedentary men 2200 calories; and for many active men and some very active women, 2800 calories.
There are reasons for discrepancy. The ICMR recommendations tilt to the higher side to take into account the majority of Indian population, which is rural physically highly active and nutrientionally deficient. In contrast most of the India city dwellers live a sedentary life style. That is why we continuously see people who though they may well within the daily calorie limits laid down by the ICMR are still overweight. Their lifestyles are not active enough to burn those calories.
What’s more, calorie guidelines such as ICMR’s often do not work in real life because they have been derived from populations as a whole. Where as individuals differ widely in their basal metabolic rates. Such estimates therefore are not strictly applicable on an individual basis.
Today, nutritionists recommend a division of daily calories into 10 to 15% calories from proteins; 60% from carbohydrates; and 25 to 30% from fats. Those who need to lose weight may need to keep their intake of fat calories even lower.
But, apportioning there percentages on to your plate is not the easiest of things to do on a daily basis. Instead two simple guidelines:
·         Check whether we have maintaining your weight
·         Check whether your weight falls within the healthy range limit for you.(The detail can be seen in my other post” A Weight loss method that work”)
If you meet these two criteria, you do not have to spend time working out calorie count. If on the other hand, your weight has been increasing and is well above healthy limits, you need to work out physical ways to lose excess weight while not cutting back on essential nutrients. You shall find such advice in other post” 150 ways to slim down your meals”